5 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Gut Health

The balance of our gut microbiomes is important to our gut health and body health. Having foods that are full of probiotics or prebiotics (such as kimchi and tsukemono) can increase the level of beneficial bacteria in our gut, which helps to improve our gut health.

Yet, eating healthy fermented food alone does not guarantee a healthy gut. As our mental and body conditions both affect our gut microbes, having a healthy lifestyle is equally important for ensuring that our gut is always satisfied. Here are 5 simple things you can do in your daily life to help improve your gut health.

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1. Lower your stress levels

Researches have found that there is a certain link between our brain and gut. Chronic high levels of stress are hard on your gut. The digestion system and what nutrients the intestines absorb can be affected by stress, which might cause an increase in gas production thus bloating. Apart from nutrient absorption, stress can weaken the intestinal barrier which protects us from food-related harmful bacteria. So, lowering our stress levels is a must for our gut health.

So how can we lower our stress levels? Doing aerobic exercises can be a good way! Take some time doing some yoga, going swimming or taking a walking. These activities help us release endorphins which help you feel better and positive!

2. Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated has a beneficial effect on the mucosal lining of the intestines that helps us to better absorb nutrients. It also helps with balancing the number of good bacteria in the gut as those bacteria need water for their activities just like we do. 

Drinking more water in your daily life is the simplest way to keep yourself hydrated. You can also try our botanical tonic, which not only is a delicious drink, but also is full of probiotics and nutrients that directly help improve your gut health and boost immunity.

3. Take natural probiotic

Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria. They are always in our gut, inhibiting harmful bacteria and helping with our digestion. They can be supplemented by eating and drinking proper foods.

The best way of supplementing probiotics is by having naturally fermented foods rather than taking artificial supplements. Kimchitsukemono and kefir are all good choices for acquiring probiotics. One thing to notice is that if you have any gut problems and want to have probiotic food daily, please seek professional advice before you integrate them into your diet.

4. Get enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep can easily harm your gut health as your gut flora also has its bio clock. When you don’t get enough sleep, your hormone levels will be affected, which can cause intestinal permeability issues. So, try to get reasonable hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, it is simple but it helps!

5. Change your diet

Reducing the amount of high-sugar and high-fat foods that you eat can contribute to better gut health. It’s also better to avoid processed foods as they contain too many additives and lack diversity and fibre.

Eating plant-based foods that are high in fibre and lean protein can positively impact your gut. Foods high in fibre are also good as they act as prebiotics that feeds those good bacteria in our gut. So, it’s time to adjust your diet. Try to add more raw and living foods such as fermented foods and lessen the proportion of processed foods and red meat.